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Musée National des Costumes museum of modern african art Musée National des Costumes museum of modern african art

Musée National des Costumes

Musée National des Costumes: A Tapestry of Timeless Traditions

Nestled in the heart of the Comoé District, in the culturally rich city of Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast, stands the Musée National des Costumes. This remarkable museum, housed within a grand colonial-style edifice, unveils a fascinating tapestry of ancient cultural artefacts and collections, each echoing the diverse heritage of this vibrant nation.

Constructed originally as a palace in 1892 by the colonial rulers, the Musée National des Costumes was transformed into a museum by Felix Houphouet Boigny, the first president of Cote d'Ivoire, in 1981. Today, this African Art museum stands as a testament to the country's rich sartorial history, showcasing models of traditional attire worn by the local communities, including kings and chiefs from Korhogo, Boualé, and other regions of Cote d'Ivoire.

A visit to this museum is an immersive journey into the past, where guests can explore the living quarters of the colonial ruler, including the living room, bedroom, bathroom, and even the emergency escape route – a hidden passage within the building designed for use in case of an uprising or revolt.

The Musée National des Costumes is not just a repository of the nation's costumes, but a chronicle of Cote d'Ivoire's history and social anthropology. Visitors can capture their journey through time, as cameras are welcomed within the building. Adjacent to the museum, a charming little shop offers an array of souvenirs, ranging from sculptures, paintings, and bags to jewellery, encapsulating the vibrant cultural spirit of the country.

Indulge in an enlightening visit to this African Art museum, spending an hour or two exploring its captivating exhibits. The Musée is more than a museum; it is a window into the soul of Cote d'Ivoire, narrating tales of its timeless traditions and vibrant cultural heritage.

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Boulevard Treich-Laplene , Grand Bassam, Ivory Coast
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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

Member since 5 years ago
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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

Member since 5 years ago
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