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Yemisi Shyllon Museum of Art Yemisi Shyllon Museum of Art
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Yemisi Shyllon Museum of Art

A Grand Entrance: An Invitation from Yemisi Shyllon Museum of Art

Step into the hallowed halls of the Yemisi Shyllon Museum of Art (YSMA), a sanctuary dedicated to the curation, cultivation, and celebration of art in all its kaleidoscopic glory. As the pioneering university art museum of the nation, it serves not merely as a showcase for visual delight, but as a vessel carrying the grand responsibility of contributing to an enlightened society.

Championing the Cause: The Director's Tale

At the helm of this exalted mission is the director of YSMA, weaving a tapestry of transformative learning experiences within the confines of this prestigious institution. Their role extends beyond mere administration, embodying a commitment to broadening horizons, fostering creativity, and curating a cultural journey unlike any other.

From Dreams to Reality: Our Benefactors

This magnificent dream would have remained just that if not for the munificent Prince Shyllon. His philanthropy turned blueprints into marbled halls and illustrated walls, gifting a home to one of the most comprehensive and diverse art collections in the country. Pan-Atlantic University, too, has been instrumental in supporting this artistic endeavour, proving instrumental in shaping the museum into a visitors’ destination and a gateway to the university itself.

The Heart of PAU: Transformative Experiences

At its very core, PAU nurtures responsible citizenship and personal growth. The YSMA, while housing breathtaking art, also shares in this mission, presenting students, faculty, staff, and visitors alike with an invaluable opportunity to deepen their appreciation for the visual arts.

Educational Synergy: School Programs and Workshops

Since its inception, YSMA has played an instrumental role in educational programming for schools in Lagos. It hosts two academic-oriented workshops - the Pre-Colonial Societies Programme (PSN) and the Art Appreciation Programme (AAP) - acting as the nexus between education and appreciation of Nigerian art.

The Digital Frontier: YSMA Online

In an era where digital and physical blend seamlessly, the YSMA offers a rich, online resource base. It provides a digital window into its exhibitions, school workshops, membership programme, and more. As the world recovers from the pandemic, the virtual museum stands as a testament to the adaptability of art, inviting those near and far to discover the beauty of Nigerian art.

The Journey Continues: Your Visit Awaits

With the promise of your support, the museum eagerly anticipates your visit to the ongoing exhibitions, 'Mirroring Man' and 'Water Under The Bridge. As you traverse the exquisite spaces of YSMA, remember, every painting is a story waiting to be discovered and every visit, an affirmation of our collective love for art.


Contact Information

Pan-Atlantic University Km 52 Lekki - Epe Expy, 105101, Lagos
Zip/Post Code/P.O. Box
Pan-Atlantic University Km 52 Lekki - Epe Expy, 105101, Lagos

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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

Member since 6 years ago
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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

Member since 6 years ago
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