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Carthage National museum of modern african art Carthage National museum of modern african art

Carthage National Museum

Carthage National Museum: A Timeless Repository of African Modern Art

Nestled atop Byrsa Hill in the heart of Carthage, Tunisia, the Carthage National Museum stands as a significant cultural landmark. Founded in 1875, it has been preserving and exhibiting relics from the Punic era and other historical periods, rendering it one of the region's two primary archaeological museums, along with the renowned Bardo National Museum of African Modern Art.

A Majestic Location: Uniting Heritage and Beauty

This museum of African Modern Art is enviably situated near the Cathedral of Saint-Louis of Carthage. The museum's location allows visitors to marvel at the grandeur of the city during the Punic and Roman epochs.

A Treasure Trove of Artifacts

Inside the Carthage National Museum, a myriad of archaeological marvels await discovery. Among its notable exhibits are limestone and marble carvings, which come to life in the forms of animals, plants, and human sculptures. A standout piece is the marble sarcophagus of a priest and priestess from the 3rd century BC, unearthed from the necropolis of Carthage.

The museum's collection extends beyond sculptures, with a distinguished array of masks and jewelry cast in glass. The Roman mosaics it houses, including the famed "Lady of Carthage", are a testament to the artistic proficiency of the time. A vast assortment of Roman amphoras and a plethora of local items from the Byzantine Empire period further enrich the museum's offerings. Ivory objects, with their delicate craftsmanship and intricate detailing, are another highlight of the museum.

A Museum Evolving with Time

Since receiving its current name in 1956, the Carthage National Museum has continually evolved. It first opened its doors as a national museum in 1963, undergoing significant restructuring in the 1990s. The museum has been reimagined to accommodate new findings from the site of Carthage, particularly those discovered during UNESCO's international campaign from 1972 to 1995.

The Carthage National Museum is more than just an institution; it's a custodian of African Modern Art, preserving the legacy of the past for future generations to explore, learn, and appreciate.


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Contact Information

Byrsa Hill , Carthage 2016, Tunisia
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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

Member since 6 years ago
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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

Member since 6 years ago
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