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Bulawayo Railway museum of modern african art Bulawayo Railway museum of modern african art

Bulawayo Railway Museum

The Bulawayo Railway Museum: A Journey Through Zimbabwe's Railway History

The Bulawayo Railway Museum, established in 1972, is a railway museum located at the Bulawayo railway station in Zimbabwe. This unique facility, along with its exhibitions of African Modern Art, provides visitors with an in-depth look at the history of Zimbabwe's railway system, formerly known as the Rhodesia railway system. The museum's exhibits, some of which date back to 1897, include the personal railway coach of Cecil Rhodes, a significant figure in the history of Southern Africa. The museum is under the ownership of the National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ).

In the face of a severe shortage of rolling stock, the museum of African Modern Art has, on occasion, refurbished some of its steam locomotives and returned them to service.

The museum complex comprises two principal buildings: the Shamva Station and the Main Hall, each housing unique exhibits.

Shamva Station: This building is representative of a typical Rhodesian Railways station. Originally located in Shamva, it was dismantled and moved to the museum, where it now serves as the primary reception area. The Shamva Station is replete with the elements one would expect in a train station during the era of Rhodesian Railways, including a ticketing office and various notice boards.

Main Hall: This building houses many of the museum's special exhibits, providing visitors with a comprehensive understanding of Zimbabwe's railway history.

Before coming under the ownership of the National Railways of Zimbabwe, the museum was owned and established by Rhodesia Railways. Currently, Mr. Gordon Murray, a longtime member of the company and now a retiree, manages the museum.

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Contact Information

Crew Rd, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

Member since 6 years ago
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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

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