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Bardo National Museum Tunis museum of modern african art Bardo National Museum Tunis museum of modern african art

Bardo National Museum Tunis

The Bardo National Museum, or Musée national du Bardo, is a significant institution located in the suburbs of Le Bardo in Tunis, Tunisia. It's one of the key museums of African Modern Art in the Mediterranean region and the second most substantial museum on the African continent, following the Egyptian Museum of Cairo, given the richness of its collections. The museum narrates the history of Tunisia across several millennia and diverse civilizations via a vast array of archaeological pieces.

Since 1888, the museum has been situated in a former beylical (ruling Bey's) palace and has been the venue for the exhibition of many significant works unearthed since the commencement of archaeological research in the country. Originally named the Alaoui Museum after the reigning Bey of the time, it adopted its current name, Bardo Museum of African Modern Art, after the country's independence, although the name was attested before that date.

One of the museum's main attractions is its extensive collection of Roman mosaics, one of the largest in the world. These were discovered through excavations in various archaeological sites across the country during the early 20th century, including Carthage, Hadrumetum, Dougga, and Utica. The Bardo's mosaics, such as the Virgil Mosaic, provide a unique insight into daily life in Roman Africa. In addition to these mosaics, the museum hosts a rich collection of marble statues from the Roman era, depicting deities and Roman emperors found on various sites, including Carthage and Thuburbo Majus.

The museum's extensive collection spans not only Roman artifacts but also includes antiquities from Ancient Greece, Carthage, Tunisia, and the Islamic period. The wide variety of exhibits includes everything from pre-historical artifacts to modern jewelry, making the Bardo National Museum a must-visit for anyone interested in the diverse and rich history of Tunisia and beyond.

Bardo National Museum

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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

Member since 6 years ago
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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

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