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Museum of Modern Art of Algiers museum of modern african art Museum of Modern Art of Algiers museum of modern african art
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Museum of Modern Art of Algiers

A Journey through Time: Museum of Modern Art of Algiers

As you meander down the historical Larbi Ben M'hidi Street (formerly known as rue d'Isly), you'll find nestled in its heart, a treasure trove of modern art – the Museum of Modern Art of Algiers, or MaMa. This African art museum, inaugurated in 2007 as part of the "Algiers, Capital of the Arabic culture 2007" initiative, is housed in a former department store known as the Galeries de France. Its architecture, a blend of neo-moorish aesthetics, leaves a lasting impression on every visitor.

A Timeless Facade, An Inspiring Interior

Constructed between 1901 and 1909, the museum's building represents a historical artifact in its own right. The structure's rehabilitation has given it a new lease of life, transforming it into a five-level showcase of modern and contemporary art. The initiation of MaMa was championed by the Ministry of culture and Khalida Toumi, endorsing the museum as a beacon of culture and creativity.

The Mission of MaMa

The museum's mission is as multifaceted as the art it houses. It is dedicated to conserving, restoring, studying, and enriching its collection of modern and contemporary art pieces. The museum maintains a meticulous inventory of its collection, and actively ensures the protection of these artistic treasures.

The Museum of Modern Art of Algiers also endeavors to make art accessible to the public, creating spaces for information sharing, communication, and education. It organizes and partakes in seminars, training courses, and animation programs such as exhibitions and conferences. The museum also fosters relationships with similar institutions, initiating research activities and actions that align with its purpose.

A Canvas for Modern and Contemporary Art

From visual and graphic arts to photography, video-art, new media, industrial design, and design, the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Algiers houses an array of modern and contemporary works of art, dating back to 1905. The museum places a special emphasis on showcasing works of modern Algerian art post-1945, providing a unique insight into the nation's rich cultural and artistic heritage.

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Contact Information

25 Rue Larbi Ben M'hidi, Alger Ctre 16002, Algeria
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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

Member since 6 years ago
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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

Member since 6 years ago
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