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Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa

Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa: The Gateway to Modern African Art

Envision a repository where the vibrant pulse of 21st-century African art reverberates through a collection that both respects tradition and embraces evolution. This is the essence of the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (Zeitz MOCAA), an institution that stands as a testament to the boundless potential of African creativity.

A not-for-profit entity, the Zeitz MOCAA assumes the critical role of curator for modern African art, ensuring its preservation, exploration, and exhibition. The museum's reach extends beyond Africa, branching into the diaspora, and creating a comprehensive and diverse representation of contemporary African art. Its function goes beyond mere exhibition; it fosters intercultural understanding, offering access to all, thereby breaking down the barriers that often exist in the realm of art.

Exploring the Galleries

Spanning several floors, the galleries at Zeitz MOCAA invite the visitor to embark on a journey through the dynamic landscape of contemporary African art. The spaces within the museum are as diverse as the art they house. The core of the museum is a large gallery dedicated to an avant-garde collection, a testament to the groundbreaking spirit of the continent's artists. Supplementing this are additional exhibition galleries, each one a canvas for the myriad expressions of African creativity.

Centers of Excellence

The museum's commitment to African art extends beyond showcasing it. At the heart of Zeitz MOCAA's mission are its Centers. These entities focus on different aspects of art, including African Contemporary Art Education, Curatorial Training, Performative Practice, Photography, and the Moving Image. Each Center is a hub of expertise, knowledge, and exploration, ensuring the perpetuation of African art and artists.

zeitz museum of contemporary art africa tickets



Zeitz MOCAA Tickets: Your Pass to a World of Art

The Zeitz MOCAA believes in accessibility for all, and this is reflected in its admission policy. Daily admission stands at a modest R 200 per adult, with an annual membership available at R 290. For visitors over 60, the annual membership is discounted to R 210.

In a bid to inspire the next generation of artists and art enthusiasts, the museum allows free entry for all under 18. Furthermore, to celebrate the richness of African artistry, African citizens enjoy free entry on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Special occasions such as Museum Night and Heritage Day also see free entry or discounted admission prices. The museum also hosts a 'First Friday' event, where admission is half-price on the first Friday of every month.

Immerse yourself in the world of modern African art, experience the depth and breadth of African creativity, and become a part of the Zeitz MOCAA community.


Contact Information

V&A Waterfront, Silo District, S Arm Rd, Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa
Zip/Post Code/P.O. Box

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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

Member since 6 years ago
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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

Member since 6 years ago
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