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Ascension Island Heritage Society Museum

Ascension Island Heritage Society Museum: A Time Capsule of Island Legacy

Imagine stepping into a time machine, a treasure trove of memories and moments that form the rich tapestry of an island's past. The Ascension Island Heritage Society Museum is just such a place, a vibrant repository of the island's historical legacy, captured in a vast collection of photographs and artifacts.

A visit to this museum isn't just recommended; it's an essential part of the island experience. Nestled within the historic Fort Hayes, the museum provides a captivating glimpse into the island's rich heritage. The doors open to the public from 1700-1900 on Mondays and 1000-1200 on Saturdays, a warm invitation to all history enthusiasts and curious explorers.

The Heart of Georgetown: A Hub of Heritage

The Ascension Island Heritage Society Museum isn't the only historical jewel in Georgetown. The city, and indeed the island itself, is a vibrant tableau of heritage sites that chronicle the island's intriguing past. Each monument, each edifice, tells a story, a chapter from the island's historical manuscript.

The Ascension Island Heritage Society, the voluntary body behind the museum, was established in 1966. Its mission? To awaken public interest and appreciation for Ascension Island's geography, history, natural history, and architecture. More than that, it's a staunch advocate for the preservation of features of historical or public interest, ensuring that the island's heritage is not just remembered but treasured.

Preserving Ascension Island's Past for Future Generations

The Society's lifeblood comes from public donations and modest profits from the sale of pamphlets. These resources fuel its efforts to safeguard the island's historical legacy for future generations.

The Ascension Heritage Museum, the Society's pride and joy, is run by a dedicated team of volunteers. Their tireless efforts make it possible for visitors to travel back in time every Saturday from 10-12 and Monday from 5-7 pm. So step inside, and let the echoes of Ascension Island's rich past transport you to a bygone era.

“A strange farrago of volcanic activity and tropical verdure, a true medley of ugliness and beauty painted in red, brown and grey, the home of the giant turtle and in the track of the south-east trades – such is Ascension Island” LS. Bartlett, Resident Magistrate 1934 – 1936.


Ascension Island Heritage Society Museum

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ASCN 1ZZ, St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

Member since 5 years ago
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sculpture modern african art

Editor MoMAA

Member since 5 years ago
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