The 13ème Bamako Encounters Photography Biennial will be titled Maa ka Maaya ka ca a yere kono — On Multiplicity, Difference, Becoming, and Heritage. Created in 1994, Bamako Encounters is today the principal event dedicated to contemporary photography and new imagery in Africa.
The 13ème Bamako Encounters will pay a powerful tribute to the spaces in between, to that which defies definition, to phases of transition, to being this and that or neither and both, to becoming, and to difference and divergence in all their shades. Accordingly, Amadou Hampâté Bâ’s statement (Aspects de la civilisation africaine, Éditions Présence Africaine, 1972) presiding over the manifestation, Maa ka Maaya ka ca a yere kono, translates to, “the persons of the person are multiple in the person.”